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Take Your Email Security to the Next Level



September 2023 | Nextworks

Spam, spam, spam and spam

Email is a critical business tool for organizations. It’s also a crucial area of risk. And it remains the number one threat vector, with attackers constantly evolving their tactics to bypass your organization’s security controls.

Your Microsoft 365 Email services through Nextworks includes anti-spam and anti-phishing protection using Microsoft EOP (Exchange Online Protection). This protection works rather well on spam, but in research conducted by Bleeping Computer, 25% of Phishing Emails Bypass Office 365 Default Security.

To better improve your email security, Nextworks provides a solution that works in conjunction with your Microsoft 365 email.

Nextworks Email Security Powered by Proofpoint

Proofpoint sees the world’s email threats as they are happening, helping you stay ahead of attackers targeting your people.

Proofpoint Email Protection is the industry-leading email gateway. It catches both known and unknown threats that others miss. Powered by NexusAI, Proofpoint’s advanced machine learning technology, Email Protection accurately classifies various types of email. And it detects and blocks threats that don’t involve malicious payload, such as business email compromise (BEC), using Advanced BEC Defense.

How it Works

Nextworks routes your incoming email through Proofpoint before it arrives in your inbox. All outgoing mail is also routed though Proofpoint, stamping its seal of approval. These additional layers of protection work to better shield your organization from cyber-attacks.

Everyone in your team also can also directly manage their Nextworks Email Security by directly blacklisting or whitelisting particular senders.

Using Nextworks Emai Security on a daily basis is quick and easy. Our short video shows you how it works.

Next Steps

Nextworks can quickly deploy Proofpoint Email Protection for your organization. Almost immediately, you will notice a significant decrease in the amount of spam and phishing scams in your inbox.

Nextworks can enable Proofpoint for your email at $2/user/month. Contact us to get protected today.

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